2019 Election Results

350 Whittier Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801
Contact: Katharine Heumann, 907 586 2524, katharine@jahc.org

October 2, 2019 ~ Juneau, Alaska

The Partnership, Inc., the non-profit which exists for the purpose of raising the funds to build the New Juneau Arts & Culture Center (JACC) wishes to thank all the local voters who voted Yes on Prop 3. Though we are disappointed by the final vote, we remain utterly committed to building the New JACC, as we were charged to do. The Capital Campaign Committee will activate the next phase of fund-raising in the private sector so that in time our community get the arts and culture center it deserves. In the words of Nancy DeCherney, Executive Director of the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, “We will work hard to ensure the improvements to Centennial Hall and the building of the New JACC result in a campus we are all proud users of, along with all the visitors to our city.”

For more information about the New JACC and to learn how to help move the project forward, call 586-2524.