The Capital Civic Center is happy to announce that it has received a $250,000 grant to be distributed over a period of time from the Richard L and Diane M Block Foundation, in support of construction of this new facility.
We must match the first $100,000 of the gift on a 3:1 basis, giving all of us a chance to be involved and have our gifts magnified. Join the BLOCK BUILDER campaign today!
This gift brings the project excitingly close to the next steps of design and construction, which we hope to announce by the end of October.
The Capital Civic Center continues to work to provide Alaska’s Capital City with an essential and vibrant community cultural and conference center located within the Áak’w Village Arts and Culture District. This center will encourage the economic and creative growth of Juneau into the future. It is located on Lingít Aaní, the ancestral home of the Áak’w Kwáan, also known as Juneau, Alaska. This facility is envisioned as a multi-use community, regional, state and national conference facility, and a center for arts, culture, and broad-based engagement. It will serve as a catalyst for economic vitality and will foster pride and well-being in Alaska’s Capital City. The center will respect and honor the values of the Indigenous peoples of Southeast Alaska.
About Richard L and Diane M Block Foundation
Richard and Diane Block lived in Juneau for several years participating in arts and cultural activities here, before moving to Anchorage where they continued to work to build their community. They lived their lives committed to their faith, to the arts, to community, and dedicated to helping Alaskans.
The Capital Civic Center will help meet their legacy goals.
Help Make the Match: Be a Block Builder
Join in to help us meet the match required for this grant! Make a single gift, or choose an amount to give monthly through next year at this time.
Thank you!